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Letters, Feb. 6: 'Only the internet gets it right on Trump and attack on Capitol'

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Lorne Gunter wrote a chilling, thought-provoking op-ed until the paragraph: “Mob rule is bad.” Then he had to follow the MSM narrative of what happened on Jan. 6 was all Donald Trump’s fault. Some journalists just parrot the storyline. And thanks for the internet or else all the public would hear is what the MSM wants the people to hear. What happened on Jan. 6 was planned and organized well in advance and not all on Trump. By the way, Lorne, your boy Joe Biden just gave Alberta a kick to the shins and I won’t see you on the unemployment line. Thanks to Trudeau’s $600-million lifeboat.
(Sorry but the internet is where truth and accuracy go to die.)

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It’s finally happened. Adolf Trudeau and his Gestapo are now herding people onto buses and whisking them away to disclosed locations at their own cost. Seems reminiscent of past atrocities. This needs to end. We need to stand up and demand the reality of the situation or we will go further down this dark road. Stand up for your rights to know the truth.
(Nazis? C’mon, man, that is always an extremely bad and tiresome comparison.)

Here we go again, our council making decisions regarding the lowering of speed limits, which apparently we the people are incompetent of making. Why are they spending that amount of money at a time when most of us aren’t even leaving our homes. If they really want to lower the speed limits, they should first police the Calgary Transit buses speeding through school/playground zones. I see it every day. If they feel they have to spend money, try repairing roads and sidewalks, which they would get 100% support.
(Busybodies with the power to do as they please and a distinct lack of common sense.)

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So newspapers are having trouble and the fault is all big tech. The real problem is that you have lost the trust of the people who look for you to provide news. I have friends and relatives in Eastern Canada and I couldn’t for the life of me understand how they could support the corrupt Trudeau government. After talking to them, it seems they are not aware of Trudeau’s vaccine screwups because the media doesn’t report on those things. When you took the 30 pieces of silver from the Liberals, I hope it was worth it because no amount of money can buy back the trust you have lost. You made your bed, now lie in it.
(We are, these days just like Brian Wilson did. Thanks for the love.)

You had a letter to the editor from Scott Broatch, who’s having issues with the CRA and his CERB payment. Tell him to contact his MP’s office and explain his situation. They have direct lines to all government departments, bypassing the lineups. I recently had an issue with my SIN number and spent hours trying to talk with anyone in government. I then called my MP’s office and they had my issue resolved in three days. This is what MPs and MLAs get paid to do.
(Sounds like your MP is on the ball. Give it a try, Scott.)

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Alberta runs out of COVID-19 vaccine yet the world says Canada has too much vaccine. It’s getting close to a year since COVID-19 hit Canada. In the last 12 months, our part- time drama teacher in Ottawa seems to have ordered more vaccine than we need to vaccinate all the people in our country. Good forward thinking, as long as you don’t get busted. Not only busted but Justin, your just not in time supply chain plan failed Albertans and other Canadians. Where is this deluge of vaccines that the world accuses us of hoarding? As of Feb. 4, 2021, Canada was 27th in the world with percentage of population vaccinated, behind Poland, Spain, Turkey, Romania, Serbia, U.K. and U.S.A. Now, he decides we need to make our own vaccine in Canada. A company in Calgary has been trying to do that for almost a year and had to stop due to a total lack of federal support. Where is the brand new federally funded ($173-million) company to be located? Quebec. That’s great but the plant will be ready to produce vaccine when? Two or three more years. Why not invest that money in four plants, get them all going concurrently and continue to fund all that are succeeding? We could be giving vaccines to the world instead of taking. You have been busy campaigning to become the next UN secretary-general while failing Canadians. Please call the early election that the media speaks about.
(You want an election and to see the PM win a majority government? Be very careful what you wish for these days.)

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There were three terrific columns in the Calgary Sun on Wednesday. First off, was Rick Bell’s feature on Drew Barnes, who is saying what an increasing number of Albertans are starting to believe … enough with dialogue with Justin Trudeau. It hasn’t worked and never will, so let’s take some real action and hold a well worded plebiscite and or referendum on equalization payments and include independence from Confederation. I’m a born and bred Albertan (Calgary) and I no longer believe that being part of Canada is the right way to go and there are no options for Alberta. The second column that impressed and scared me was Lorne Gunter’s discussion of how Trudeau plans to stifle public opinion through absolute control of the media. Trudeau’s dream society resembles that of his wonderful China and Russia as well. Yahoo has already shut down their feedback option, they didn’t like that the public opposed their views and were highly critical of the CBC and the Liberals. The third column was by Brian Jean. He had some great advice for Premier Jason Kenney and I hope he follows Jean’s suggestions, as they all made sense. People like Drew Barnes and Brian Jean shed some well needed optimism and I’m thankful that the Calgary Sun welcomes their opinions.
(Glad you enjoyed what the gentlemen had to say.)

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It’s not just about speed. It’s about careless driving, dangerous driving, tailgating, running red lights (the new norm), running stop signs, distracted driving, U-turns at lighted intersections (another new norm), dangerous lane changes and yes, occasionally speeding. And yet, using speed as the culprit for all our traffic woes has been the false narrative propagated by our provincial and city ‘Fathers’ for far too long. It’s time for Calgary motorists to call a stop to this abuse and demand respect (we pay enough in taxes and insurance to demand it!). The new speed limit legislation was not added to the plebiscite because we were informed that we were not informed: We were sufficiently informed to vote on fluoride in our water, but not to vote on a reduction in speed limits across the city. Insult! So what is driving council’s obsession with speed? It’s our money, and lots of it. They crave the speeding fines and photo radar revenues, while influential corporations are salivating at the prospect of supplying multi-millions of dollars in ‘surveillance’ equipment. Not to overlook the insurance companies, eagerly awaiting the bonanza in premium hikes due to the increase in tickets issued. Motorists desperately need to establish a unified voice, an online ‘Motorists’ Coalition’. As a significant voting bloc, our opinions will have to be listened to by our ‘Fathers’ at city hall. Unfortunately, as individuals our cries of despair will always be ignored. Farkas for Mayor!
(We don’t see it as being about money.)

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The king is alive and woke! The king refuses to sit in the House of Commons. Sitting in the House of Commons and actually being held accountable and “transparent” would mean the king would be forced to do his job (like maybe procuring vaccines) as opposed to his daily drama-infused speeches under the ‘Tent of Commons’ (unless the king feels it’s appropriate to go to his other cottage, which just had Liberal approval for a $15-million, taxpayer-funded renovation), which at this rate will result in the Canadian debt load exceeding $400 billion with absolutely no plan moving forward regarding the economy. The king would also be required to answer tough questions that are repetitive word salad non-answers anyway. Unfortunately the only party that thinks the king should be held accountable is the Conservatives, and they will always be outvoted by the combination of the neo-Liberal minority and the Bloc, who only care about Quebec, and the NDP who want to make everything free with no plans to pay for it and despise pipelines. With this disparity and obvious division within Canada and Canada’s ruling government, the economy looks bleak unless you live in Ontario and Quebec. At least the king tossed a few shekels Alberta’s way, so some people can get a job because remember, regardless of Alberta’s economic situation, Ottawa still expects the annual $20-billion-plus contribution to Quebec … I mean federal equalization program.
(COVID-19 distracts us from the monumental mess we have to address.)

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The Calgary Arts Commons … my goodness. So I see daily advertisements for STARS Air Ambulance, Children’s Home Lotto, all worthy and much needed causes. I know for a fact the Prostate Centre gets zero government funding and holds fundraising events constantly. I also know the Calgary Flames donate tons to all these much needed causes. I also know that Mayor (Naheed) Nenshi was strongly opposed to giving any money towards a new arena for the Flames. So, is it just me, or is this backwards? Shouldn’t the government be using our tax dollars to help fund and expand hospitals, cancer clinics, and things of this nature and shouldn’t the arts community be holding the fundraiser events? I know 100% of Calgarians will need health services while a small portion of our population will take in a play or go to our new $400-million library. Oh well, maybe I’m wrong but our city council can’t even clear the roads properly after a storm yet they donate $160 million to something Mr. Nenshi feels will look good on his resume. He is such a poor leader and embarrassment to whomever voted for him. Thanks for the blue ring, too … always think of what a failure you are every time I look at it, Mr. Nenshi.
(The blue ring in not on this mayor. But yes, hard decisions will have to be made around taxpayer funding given our declining economic situation.)

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“What would a world without headlines look like?” Maybe we wouldn’t have so many filthy secrets known only to a handful of elite truth-creators. Go ahead: tell us that not one journalist in L.A. or New York ever heard anything about Harvey Weinstein’s … appetites, prior to 2017. Not a single one of the many folks at the Toronto Star knew anything about Peter Nygård? Or maybe there aren’t any journalists in Winnipeg? How about Jian Ghomeshi? The revelations about Ghomeshi came as a total surprise to everyone at the CBC, I’m sure. “But, but, we hold the powerful to account, especially politicians,” y’all might argue. Do you? The you-scratch-mine-I’ll-scratch-yours relationship between Zoe Barnes (Kate Mara) and Francis Underwood (Kevin Spacey) in House of Cards is fictional. Can you say the same of Rudy Giuliani who, in a recent expose by Baron Sacha Cohen, appeared more than willing to hook up with a 15-year-old female journalist? In real life, rising superstar journalist Olivia Nuzzi gave a wink to her “relationship” with Guiliani in a recent Elle article about being a female journalist in the Trump era; in that same Elle article, one has to ask why the super-green Nuzzi was ever in such *intimate* contact with powerhouses like Donald Trump and Rudy Guliani in the first place … Watergate was a long time ago. What role does the news media serve today? How many dirty little secrets do *you,* personally, keep for the rich and powerful?
(The media is not responsible for the bad behaviour of others.)

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What speed limit? Well, thanks to (Mayor Naheed) Nenshi and so called Coun. Jeff Davison, thanks to the fact that we have not seen a snow plow on our street in Glenbrook, which is a collector route, since the January snow fall and our recent dump. It is nearly impossible to get moving in our area. Ergo it is virtually impossible to reach anything close to 40 km/h anywhere. It is also impossible to access a city transit bus at the designated stops because of the piles of snow/ice that patrons have to navigate just to reach the bus door. Is waiting for the next chinook really your idea of snow clearing in the once well served city of Calgary? Didn’t I recently hear a proposal from Mr. Davison about some idea to let city managers call a snow event. Well for goodness sake, get something done before we are not able to travel on the streets of Calgary, which is becoming a tragic farce. Please, Calgarians, check who your councillor is and look into their record. It is time to rid Calgary of these people hanging on till they get those inflated pensions. Just look at Joe Magliocca, hanging in until October to top up his pension. Why Is he still on the taxpayers’ payroll. We need a major change at city hall or this place is doomed.
(The complete lack of effort to have the councillor held accountable for his expenses tells you all you need to know about city hall.)

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Our family emigrated to Canada in the summer of 1967, with no work and looking for a better life. The country more than lived up to our expectations, giving us, and our children, incredible opportunities for a comfortable lifestyle, as long as we were prepared to take some risks of where we wanted to live and what we expected of our lifestyle. Up until four years ago, we were proud to be Canadian citizens. No-one can imagine how embarrassed and ashamed we now feel, to say we are Canadian. To read in the papers that we have to turn to the equivalent of the vaccine ‘food bank’ because our wonderful federal government did not have the foresight to produce the vaccine in Canada, or to guarantee supplies from reliable sources, instead of China. It is a national disgrace that Canada is now 34th in the world distributing the vaccine. How much more will it take for voters to ignore facts about the failures of our leader before they decide that it is time to change their votes?
(Canada’s back. Way, way back of the line.)

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AHS, shake your head. Westman Village has been following AHS regulations allowing one household at a time into their gym. Two weeks ago, AHS decided to close the gym for tighter controls. Effective Feb. 8, they are now allowing the one household back into the gym, however they now must be accompanied by a trainer at a cost of $40-$60 an hour, adding another layer of possible COVID contact and empty gyms. Give the gyms a chance to reopen with fewer restrictions. At this rate, AHS we will require us to have a health-care worker accompany us on an outside walk or to play golf with us in the summer.
(Hang in there, Glenn.)

So NDP MLA Shannon Phillips does not like the idea of being surveilled while she was discussing government affairs in a very public place with many people within hearing distance of her. However, her and the NDP seemed to relish the release of Dr. Deena Hinshaw’s comments in an in-camera, no-recording brainstorming session in June 2020, even though all participants were sworn to secrecy. Of course the NDP waited until November after the daily COVID-19 cases started to escalate to put the comments out to the public in the hopes of showing dissent in the ranks.
(Both incidents involved people betraying their positions and abusing their privilege. They should pay a very heavy price.)

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The Trudeau government’s pandemic response has been a fiasco, despite their unbelievable claims to the contrary and absurd blaming of others, such as former Conservative prime ministers. Now Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, aka The Coward of the Cottage, plans to force Canadian travellers into quarantine hotels at their own expense, a draconian measure that will achieve little or nothing in the fight against COVID-19. What else can we expect from someone who admires the Communist Party of China’s basic dictatorship and tries to partner with them, even on vaccine procurement?
(You’d have to look long and hard to find this PM’s finest hour.)

So they are going slowly to lower the speed limits in Calgary. You know, the city that hates cars. No plebiscites on this or anything else the “city” wants to pass. Not because of the cost but because they think we can not think for ourselves. After all, it would not be a good thing to let the people who voted you in actually have a say in anything that concerns them because is that not why we voted for them “ to think for us”. This seems to be the consensus, at least according to (the people) who run city hall and that includes not just the councillors and the mayor but the ones who we did not even vote for … the city hall bureaucracy.
(Just the self righteous few dictating how it will be for the rest of us.)

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