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Letters, Feb. 28: 'What is it with our prime minister and China?'

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Canada’s Boy-King has surpassed himself in the realm of cowardly, spineless, and unprincipled politics. More specifically, ‘foreign affairs’. Add ‘haphazard and directionless’ to arrogant and inept. What is one to make of the decision by PM Justin Trudeau to abstain from the House of Commons vote on Chinese genocide? And further, to order his entire bloated cabinet to do likewise. Meanwhile, MPs of all stripes — Liberals included — voted unanimously to condemn Chinese atrocities against its Uyghur population. Ah, the ongoing infatuation with that “basic dictatorship” and the ‘freedom’ it provides its leadership to do pretty much anything … to anyone … without consequences. Downright intoxicating. China, not surprisingly, didn’t like the Canadian Parliamentary motion. Predictably, Xi Jinping’s spin doctors have come out swinging with a host of denials, and charges of slander against their upstanding regime. Well, the Boy-King can always claim he didn’t vote in favour of the motion — in fact, he was off somewhere on a ‘personal day’. Furthermore, he ordered all his honourable minions to abstain as well. In a time of uncertainty and unpredictability, one can always count on the Trudeau Liberals to behave badly.
(He does as he pleases.)

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I have read “The Dinger’s” articles over the years and his sometimes excessive attacks of the “Cowtown Kremlin” and the provincial government. But Rick, enough is enough. You are non-stop. Every day, you are attacking both the UCP and Jason Kenney. Your attacks have become petty, personal, and, most times, stretch the truth. Did you not get invited to the Christmas party? Perhaps the free coffee and donuts at the press conferences were not up to your liking? I am sure the NDP has sent you the complimentary membership and is probably considering you for chief of media relations and publicity. On Tuesday, your column was about how Rachel Notley is now leading in the polls. We all know how accurate polls are. Just take a look at the last American election or even our most recent provincial election where, as late as two days before election day, the vote was “neck and neck” in Calgary. Did Kenney win by 65 or 70%? They sure got that one right, didn’t they. In the same article, you talked about being part of a CBC radio show. Wow, I bet you impressed all 10 listeners. Your articles are becoming very redundant, and your distaste for Mr. Kenney is painfully evident. Mr. Kenney and company were handed a pretty lousy hand, and it is awfully easy to be an armchair quarterback. They have made mistakes, but I would challenge you to show me any government worldwide that hasn’t. Albertans are very tired of day after day of the ever-changing story of COVID, and your piling on really doesn’t solve anything. I am 100% certain that Jason Kenney doesn’t wake up in the morning thinking, how can I irritate Albertans today. Our COVID numbers are some of the best in the country, and our restrictions are some of the least invasive. Can he do better? Absolutely, and I think you can do better, as well. Writing about being a guest on the CBC is a sad statement. Perhaps, you could focus an article on the good old days, where the unions ran the NDP government. The deficit was just a regular business course, and the only sector showing growth were provincial government jobs. Justin loved our carbon tax (remember, the surprise one that Rachel dropped on us after the election?) Ah yes, the good old days. We have a municipal election in the fall. Why not interview some of the candidates or focusing a couple of articles on how we magically get no residential tax increases every four years only to get double-digit increases the following year. Mr. Bell, it is time to get your game back and quit cherry-picking from the low branches.
(Rick will continue to call it as he sees it and thanks for reading.)

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So now tiki torches are viewed as racist. That’s a bit of a stretch in my books. Tiki torches originated in the Polynesian culture and were a sign of fertility. Due to the actions of white nationalists who chose to march with these in Charlottesville, they have now become taboo. Do the cancel culture bullies now encourage us to boycott the makers of these items or the stores that sell them? Were any of these individuals yelling or chanting offensive racists comments? I appreciate how the media jumped on the rally in Edmonton but take issue with the comparisons to what happened in the U.S. When last I checked, we’re in Canada and to assume to know all the reasons why these people were carrying torches is just that, an assumption. Olympians carry torches, guess we should we ban those, too. I have a number of tiki torches around my firepit and while I do not march with them, it is a tool only, so why are we offending the Polynesian culture by now turning it into something it was never intended to be based on the actions of a few? If these same people marched with a lighter, candle or flashlight, would we condemn those items as racist as well? Sets a very dangerous precedent indeed. BTW, I also have a lawn jockey and have been accused by uninformed individuals of being racist. History shows lawn jockeys are in fact a symbol of freedom.
(Tiki torches themselves are not the problem. Showing up at a march with all sorts of sketchy participants and using an obvious symbol of hate as a prop, well, you reap what you sow. But you know that.)

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As the province has laid out vaccine phases, it seems as though some of the mostly organized labour groups are all bent out of shape over who should be first, second and so on if they are not on phase 1 or 2. I know some of the groups are frontline workers, but let’s do an exercise and let them determine the order of vaccinations and see who they would leave out of the first and second phases and see how selfish these people are on determining who is not as worthy as the complainers from these groups. Who would they let be left out just so they are get the vaccinations earlier. Pretty sad that anyone thinks ‘me first’ isn’t selfish. Let seniors or vulnerable people get the virus and die? We don’t even have the supply to go around, so please be patient. I think the people chosen for phases one and two are accurate and have been considered and not by the government but by so called experts. Let’s get on with it without complaining. Your turn will come.
(Nobody should be whining about vaccines until all our vulnerable citizens and seniors have been done. If you moan about it, you should go last.)

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Make Big Tech media companies pay for Canadian content. Diverse Canadian media must take back the news in Canada and they must do so without Justin Trudeau’s $900,000,000 per year hand out to buy their pro-liberal allegiance. My understanding is that Facebook and Google control 80% of the digital advertising in Canada. This takes Canadian revenue and moves it into the States and leaves our Canadian news outlets with far less revenue and going out of business. What is just as bad is that Google and Facebook pay nothing for Canadian news content. Again leaving our newsmakers with less revenue and going out of business. On top of all that theft, the biggest slap in the face from Google and Facebook is their blatant disrespect for freedom of speech by openly censoring news, view points and media outlets that don’t align with their narratives. Targeted by Facebook and Google, and they will control our future in Canada. They need to know the truth not fake news. These are tragic mistakes by our federal government that will only make our country and our people weaker. Please stop the stranglehold that Google and Facebook have on our news, and by that, our country.
(Tech giants bigfooting the world is not a good look.)

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Council can’t figure out why the downtown is becoming vacant? As a businessman who kept a downtown office in Calgary since 1985, I might have the answer: parking. It might seem like a small issue but people still drive cars. In the effort to encourage public transportation over many years, the city has discouraged the use of automobiles in the downtown core. Bike lanes have been added at the expense of parking spots. The cost of parking, if you can find any, has become outrageous. Business people, including their support staff and salespeople are usually very mobile and may be in and out of the office for meetings four or five times a day. What about parking for their clients? No one wants to park and walk blocks to an office for a meeting, especially when it’s 20 below. Same thing for shopping. No one wants to carry shopping bags great distances to their cars. The environmental issue is a moot point. Last I heard, autos were going electric. I no longer keep an office in the core. My business associates and clients are happy to meet somewhere where parking is available. Maybe the new centre of Calgary should be moved to an area where there are wide open spaces with parks and lots of parking. One more point, I am curious as to how many members of the city council, including the mayor, drive to work.
(Downtown, an antiquated idea from when businesses had to communicate face to face? Or is a business hub, like Quarry Park, a much more appealing draw for life and work balance? Discuss.)

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Tuesday was a great day for all Calgarians. Druh Farrell, the self-serving, self-entitled specimen is on her way out the door and will not be running in the next election. Well, no more freeloading for you, eh? No more very easy days with lavish catered dishes for lunch at work for you. Do us all a favour, take your fat pension you got from screwing Calgarians for the last 20 years and see ya. Don’t let the door slam on your way out! Please move to a nice warm location where you can live a better life and one last thing, take Naheed Nenshi and Joe Magliocca with you! Goodbye and good riddance. One down, perhaps now we can rid ourselves of a few more bad apples in our once great city. What a great day to be a Calgarian again.
(Say what you really mean.)

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I would like to inform you of the correct way of spelling of Uyghur, not Uighur. This is how it is spelled in Xinjiang. I lived there for almost three years, in Urumqi and Karamay. I saw how the Uyghurs were treated by the Chinese government, how they were not allowed to learn English in some schools, because that way they were not qualified to go to university, meaning they would be less educated than the Han Chinese. My friend’s son had to stand in the classroom doorways with his hands touching the frame for hours, because he was dressed in something that didn’t look quite Chinese, according to the Han teacher. They were not allowed the same school holidays as the Chinese. I saw job postings on buildings, saying looking for 10 new employes, eight Hans and two Uyghur. Only three Uyghur families in any apartment building. The men in Karamay are not allowed to pray during the work hours and no beards, only if they are old. The Uyghurs were not allowed to travel during the 2008 Olympics in Beijing and they hardly ever get a passport. The government still uses prisoners, mostly Uyghurs, for kidney transplants on the black market and it’s all happening in their ‘research centre’ in Haerbin in Northern China. The government in China is very discriminatory towards the Uyghurs but the rest of the world does not seem to care. They are treated worse than when Tibet was invaded, but the Muslim culture and religion is not as romantic as Buddhism. Justin Trudeau has every right to accuse China of committing genocide against all the 52 minority groups in China.
(Thanks, we have just changed out style on the spelling of Uyghur.)

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There are a lot of voices screaming about Justin Trudeau’s incompetence and his government’s absolute lack of … well just about anything to properly govern a country. As one wise man once said, “people will have government that they deserve.” You can’t blame an incompetent manchild for being an incompetent manchild. It would be like putting your unemployed teenager living in your basement in charge of your family finances, and then complain that you are broke. It is you , yes you, the Canadian voters, who propped up this man into position of power. Twice. If any of you who voted for him would check his credentials, qualifications and accomplishments, you would quickly find out that there aren’t any that would even remotely qualify him to be in charge of anything above 10 children in kindergarten, never mind being in charge of the second largest country in the world. It is Canada, apparently home to a lot of people that are like him, people that think like him and people who are willing to entrust their future and the future of their children into the hands of someone who has no idea what to do. In a few short years, he managed to change the way the world was looking at Canada. From envy of the world, to the joke of the world. So unless we as a country will change our way of thinking, and go back to things like common sense and decision making based on logic, knowledge and experience, instead of a famous name and good looks, nothing will change. I mean nothing will change for the better. The way I see it, after 40 years living here? As it stands, Canada’s future is not looking good.
(Remaking Canada in his image is the last thing we want or need.)

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C’mon, folks, you do not need to assemble in large groups to worship. If God is everywhere in everything … you’ll be heard wherever you go. Using your faith as an excuse to put other people at risk of possibly contracting a deadly virus seems to go against the very idea of caring about others (I thought religious churchgoers would be in the caring about others category?!). Your rights to worship are not being infringed upon, only your ability to worship physically as an extra large group together. Online services are available. I have rights, too, and I don’t see why your rights to worship are more important than my right to not contract a possibly deadly virus. Do I have to go to church to pray to God to put some sense into you people? No, I do not.
(It’s ridiculous.)

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So they wanted to make cuts to AISH (Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped). Really! How about cutting all the federal and provincial jobs that are not needed, that’s probably about 50%, and let’s start at the top. We can also eliminate all the French-immersion schools, they’re not needed. As a matter of fact, let’s get rid of bilingualism altogether. Then we can close all the embassies throughout the world, get rid of the Governor General (which is a waste of money), eliminate all these: I’m the assistant of the assistant positions or I’m an information officer of the fire, police or conservation. If Warren Buffet can run a company worth billions of dollars with very few employees, I’m sure we as a country could do the same. However, if we eliminated all the civil servant jobs in this country, there would be no jobs left!
(Why complain about something that didn’t happen?)

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How dare he, who the heck does he think he is to have the audacity to be critical of the provincial budget. (Mayor) Naheed Nenshi is perhaps the worst budgeter in Calgary history. From Day 1, he has raised taxes with absolutely no respect for Calgarians’ wishes and, along with his council cohorts, has made this once very nice city into an eyesore with its seldom plowed roads in the winter and unkept overgrown boulevards, a weed-strewn, overgrown mess in the summer. Oh, but you say we have public art projects. Well, that’s another joke laid on us by his gang. All the monies wasted on that tripe would have better been spent on keeping the roads cleared in winter and some basic lawn care in the spring and summer. One cut just before Stampede doesn’t do it. With maybe no Stampede again this year, could be that work will just be put off for another year. At least in winter we get blessed by an odd chinook. That’s about the only respite we get on our streets. C’mon, folks, Druh Farrell is jumping ship, let’s send the rest of Nenshi and his gang with her.
(See you at the ballot box.)

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How are we surprised that AHS failed at their seniors vaccine roll out? They have far more important things to do than worry about a bunch of seniors. Seriously, there are hockey games and restaurants to shut down, jobs and dreams to be destroyed. And, of course, No. 1 on the list of installing socialism is to lock up ministers and attack religion. Vaccine roll out is far down the list. All this from a bunch of unelected, union-protected government workers. Almost as if they were working for Rachel all along.
(No one is attacking religion.)

Canada has had pandemics before but the economy was never shut down. AHS followed the advice of Dr. Theresa Tam and the clueless one in Ottawa and shut us down. In past pandemics, the entire household was locked down (healthy and sick alike) with signs on the doors — no one in, no one out (except the doctors). Groceries, medicine, etc., were dropped at the door and the rest of us continued to work. Stop blaming (Premier Jason) Kenney. He is not a doctor so just followed the advice of the “so called” experts. When it was first discovered, all our borders should have been shut down tight as well as the old-age homes. No one, not even the workers, should have been allowed out of those old-age homes as they were spreading the virus from home to home. Those testing positive for COVID, along with the fearful ones, should immediately be under quarantine, along with their entire household. The virus needed healthy people to spread, but if confined it will die.
(This virus has been a challenge like no other.)

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The ink is not even dry on the budget but the usual chorus of special-interest groups is loudly screaming its disapproval. Yes, the COVID is having a dismal effect on the economy, yes the oil prices tanked, but that is not their concern. They want what they came for, mainly a continuation of the gravy train they deserve. They are willing to go on the streets and shout their demands. But they are unwilling to stop and see the bigger picture. They believe that those in the government have the means to “foot the bill” regardless of its size. They truly think a magic wand or a printing press in the legislature’s basement can crank out cash, day and night. And they want to be first in line. Where were they when the oil workers lost their jobs by tens of thousands? Did I see the students march when businesses closed? Did I see any support for the private sector that bears a disproportionate of the consequences from the lockdowns? How many jobs were lost in the public sector? What we need is a wider, non-partisan discussion of the issues. Do we believe the government should bail out all of us, at the same time abandon any fiscal responsibility? Should we ask the government i.e. the taxpayers, to fund all our dreams and aspirations without the mention of credibility and social contribution? Let’s have this discussion. Let’s look into the mirror!
(Calls for even more spending are ludicrous. Alberta obviously must rein in spending.)

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So many people are upset about the upcoming reduced speed limit on residential streets. I’m all for it. The way I see it, most people go over the posted limit as it is, so in a 50 they are going 55 or higher. So when it’s 40, they’ll be going 45 or higher. So basically somewhat under 50. I live near the end of a cul de sac and people speed past my house and they are 200 ft. from their driveway and when these people head out it’s like a drag strip. I can hear their engine working hard. So many people in such a hurry, like have to shave off a few seconds of time coming or going.
(Speeding on tight residential streets is a recipe for disaster.)

Re: Jail ’em! Feb. 20, 2021. Hiltz couple’s COVID fine. For Jim Kelly to say, “Shame on them and their lowered fines. Forget the fines, they should be thrown in jail,” was a stupid, asinine statement, and to also say, “We don’t need people like them in our society. I hope your newspaper article results in a general shunning of them.” Well we don’t need self-righteous people like Jim Kelly in our society. It is bad enough that the social-distancing, lockdowns, and mandated masks has brought the worst out in many people including myself, and I don’t know what the Hiltz couple did that was so “selfish.” So Mr. Kelly, I have this to say to you, get a life!
(Deliberately exposing people to COVID-19 is not to be taken lightly.)

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The last five years of Justin Trudeau’s anti-oil government policies have kept billions of dollars of foreign investment out of the country. Further dabbling has also pushed Canadian capital out of the country to be invested elsewhere around the world. This has caused massive contraction of the energy industry and all sectors related to supporting it, destroying vast numbers of jobs across the country. Now, there is a massive “brain drain” as these highly educated and skilled workers leave Canada for better prospects elsewhere. New university graduates are leaving the country for greener pastures. It is not feasible for an economy to have its high- paying industries scuttled and replaced with “industry diversity” that consists mostly of minimum wage jobs. How is it any benefit in the long run to eliminate 5,000 pipeline jobs and say that will be offset by 5,000 “new jobs” in an Amazon centre and warehouse?
(It’s all good, Tony. Those in the know have promised us ‘good green jobs’. How can they possibly be wrong?)

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Canadians are now left with only one way to truly show their support for the two Michaels presently being held hostage, for over two years, by the Chinese government. That is to stop buying, wherever possible, products from China. Justin Trudeau’s naive admiration and support for a Chinese regime that resorts to using hostage diplomacy, internment camps, genocide, force and punitive laws to suppress human rights and economic blackmail, has backfired in his face. Now Trudeau and the Canadian government are being manipulated by the Chinese regime through the application of hostage diplomacy and economic blackmail. Please remember that each and every Chinese product you buy with your hard earned dollars enriches and empowers that unscrupulous regime.
(Yes, that’s one way to make a statement.)

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